- Call 01488 682 847
- admin@humphries-stonemasons.co.uk
- 4-5 Downview, Park Street, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0EF
The craft of stone masonry is ancient. For thousands of years man has been shaping rock and stone for building all sorts of structures. Here in the UK modern stonemasons still follow the methods and use the tools perfected by the medieval masons who built our great cathedrals. One such is Barry Humphries, Master Mason and his masonry team, who create bespoke natural stone structures for clients in his workshop in the historic market town of Hungerford, Berkshire.
Take a bland house front and add a potico/porch… transformed into something with character.
We understand the importance of being able to work closely with architects and designers when it comes to the specifications for working with natural stone, particularly on restoration projects and in new builds when our expertise and knowledge is vital for matching or choosing appropriate stone for the project.
As leading stone specialists in Berkshire and Wiltshire we are experienced at finding the right stone for the job, at the right price, which is why we have often been selected to consult and work on projects of historical importance. We’re also often sought out to provide new architectural centre pieces and advise on stone construction methods.
All our stone masonry commissions are professionally project managed with continuous liaison with the client as a matter of course.
Our stonemasons deem it an honour to be able to craft personalised, lasting memorials for your loved ones, in any design or type of stone you choose.
As a family run stone masonry firm, we know how important it is to be able to mark the passing of someone dear with a lasting memorial carved by hand with care and skill.
Whether you would like statuary, a simple headstone, a crematorium plaque or any other form of memorial, we’ll produce it sympathetically.
We’ll talk over your requirements and can advise about the various rules and regulations that apply in cemeteries, churchyards and gardens of remembrance.
Humphries Stonemasons offer each client a personalised service that is retained within the tradition and heritage of the company that has been established for over 50 years.
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